A great App. to help none-english speaking people to learn english, in conjunction with Learn Direct and Cambridge Univercity and all in the 3D style of a video game. My task was to create learning missions in Unity from briefs supplied to us. We utilied and heavily customised the uSequencer plugin to create timeline sequences for each mission.
I also created the Skyboxes for all missions in courses 1 and 2, developed an optimised lighting solution to use fewer maps and created lighting for the Airport, Railway Station, Cinema Screen & Doctors Office.
As a Mission Designer I was responsible for creating many Missions in Unity 4 & 5. I created camera paths, waypoint paths for character movement, fired off animations, events and audio too. We used the uSequencer plug-in as a basis for creating mission timelines and also designed our own tools within uSeq to allow missions to be built more efficiently.